Thursday, June 30, 2016

Task of the month n°9

When speaking with a female friend or a coworker, you will ask about her boyfriend. Then, you sill sound impressed about what he does. The goal is to make her feel that she has taken a great guy.. way better than you!

You will make sure to make him look manly compared to you. Don't be too obvious, just admire what he does and say "I could not do that." or " I whish I was able to do the same thing".



  1. I ado love your advices, as being both TS n sissy, i for one greatly appreciate any advices given. Often times wonder how i revert made it thru life without the advice of others.

  2. It seems simple but for me it is very difficult, I still can not do it.I did a more difficult task but this one has been trying for over a year.

  3. Thank you, training accomplished!

  4. I'm Janine Spades and i have completed the training
